hospital of the north

annual gratitude report


"A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles."


Thank you to all who supported the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation this year.

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Welcome to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation’s
Annual Gratitude Report

Much like the name indicates, this report delivers on its mission to share our Foundation’s sincere appreciation for the contributions made by our donors. Their generosity saves and changes the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients from northern Alberta and beyond who rely on the Royal Alexandra Hospital and its research and centres of medical excellence. 

Saying thank you is one of our values; we call it stewardship. It is accompanied by several others that are core to our vision and mission: Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, Respect, and fostering Strong Relationships. We have used these values to guide the appreciation and stories we share belowstories we hope will demonstrate the real difference each dollar makes and how grateful we are for all gifts, large and small.

working hand in hand with respect

The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation respectfully acknowledges that we are on the traditional lands referred to as Treaty 6 Territory, and that the City of Edmonton and all the people here are beneficiaries of this peace and friendship treaty. Treaty 6 encompasses the traditional territories of numerous western Canada First Nations such as the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Metis and Inuit people who have called this area home since time immemorial. 

The Royal Alexandra Hospital first opened its doors in 1899. It was initially built to serve a population much smaller than today’s, and has since grown to now serve hundreds of thousands of patients every year. These patients hail from a geographical area that stretches to cover one-third of Canada’s landmass, with roughly one-third of the patient population coming from outside of Edmonton. As the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, we are honoured and humbled to support a hospital serving and providing compassionate care to so many patients with such diverse backgrounds and needs.


We will never use the words ‘good enough,’ and we’re not afraid to start over if it means a superior outcome.

Nanahihtamowin (to listen with an open heart)

In September 2021, June Coates from Brownvale, Alberta, received life-saving surgery. Oddly enough, just a few months prior, very few people knew June’s life was at risk—including June, herself.



While we appreciate the value of tried and true methods, we’re also comfortable turning current thinking upside down.

Kiskanowapâhkewin (a keen sense of observation)

After the sudden loss of her grandmother due to a fatal cardiac arrest—which could have been prevented—Victoria McLeod, a Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in citizen from Dawson City, Yukon, became a monthly donor to the Lois Hole Hospital for Women.



Doing the right thing in the right way is the norm, not the exception. This means the little things, when no one is watching, and the big things, when no one can look away.

Kisewâtisiwin (compassion, loving kindness)

Actions and decisions from local Edmonton business Nakatsui DermaSurgery showcase both the ‘little things’ and the ‘big things’ that keep the conversation moving forward around women’s health.



We give it freely and equally to all people whom our organization touches.

(respect for others)

“The hospital represents for me the utmost levels of care, mental healthcare, and respect for the patients who rely on it. I am most grateful for the deep care that made all the difference in the world for my family.” – Dana Clarke of Fort McMurray, Alberta


strong relationships

We are always transparent about our goals and objectives when working with others.

Mâmahwohkamâtowin (working cooperatively)

For one family, living at a significant distance from the hospital where their loved one was being cared for was made much easier thanks to the incredible care and relationship they built with the care team at the Royal Alex.



We say thank you often, and in many ways. We know that donors could choose to support any charity—but they’ve chosen this hospital, and they should feel good about doing so.

Okihtowihiwewin (generosity)

A significant gift in support of respiratory care at the Royal Alex from Sam Mraiche and his company MHCare Medical, an Edmonton-based global provider of health solutions will continue to support care for others like Sam’s father who recently received care at the Alex.


our vision

Improving the health of Albertans by building passionate community support for the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

our mission

The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation inspires community support for the Royal Alexandra Hospital and its medical centres of excellence, including the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, the CK Hui Heart Centre, the Eye Institute of Alberta and the Orthopedic Surgery Centre.

We would like to acknowledge and share our sincere gratitude with the Indigenous Wellness Core, as well as all of the Indigenous cultural advisors who were consulted, for their many contributions and guidance in the creation of this publication. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us, helping us better understand the primary Cree values, and helping us on our journey to be as understanding and respectful as we can be.

Illustrations by Jordan Rioux.

To make a donation or
for more information, please visit:

Royal Alexandra
Hospital Foundation
10240 Kingsway,
Edmonton, AB
T5H 3V9
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation is accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence and compliance in five key areas of operations: Board Governance, Financial Accountability and Transparency. Fundraising, Staff Management, and Volunteer Involvement.
Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 11912 6217 RR0001